Brecksville Magazine

Coming Events


The Akron Zoo offers exhibit called “Celebrating Black History in Perkins Woods”

The Akron Zoo is offering a special exhibit called “Celebrating Black History in Perkins Woods” from Jan. 20-March 7 in the zoo’s Nature’s Theater. The exhibit will focus on three main topics: how Black residents in Akron expanded the John Brown Monument, fought a plan to move the zoo from Perkins Woods and operated a long-lived custard stand at the park’s edge. “Celebrating Black History” is open during zoo operating hours of 11 a.m.-4 p.m. daily and is included in general admission. For more information, visit or call 330-375-2550.

11:00 am - 4:00pm


Empty Bowls

“Empty Bowls” is an international project to fight hunger, personalized by artists and art organizations on a community level

5:00 pm - 7:30 pm


Warehouse Sale

Hospice of the Western Reserve will host a warehouse sale at its headquarters


Reduce Reuse Repair Fair

The Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District will feature individuals and businesses that reuse materials and repair goods

10:00am - 2:0pm

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