Nature Rx: Focused time outdoors can boost wellness
by Maddy Holman Nature has a profound effect on well-being. Studies have shown that simply being outdoors can lower stress hormones, improve mood and even boost our immune system. Local wellness practitioners Shannon Speaks and Kim Scott Sowinski also believe that connecting with the natural world is an essential part of any mindfulness practice, a […]
Volunteer your way to better health
by Judy Stringer We often think of volunteering as a great way to give back to our communities and support issues that are important to us. Turns out, however, lending a helping hand isn’t just good for the causes we care about – it’s good for us, too. A 2020 study by Harvard’s School of […]
Eat healthy fats, fruits and vegetables to combat inflammation
by Emily Canning-Dean Inflammation is the body’s natural response to certain types of ailments, but a poor diet and other bad habits can lead to too much inflammation, according to health experts. “Acute inflammation is just the response you get out of your body when you are addressing something like a virus or a wound,” […]
Heal an ailing credit score
by Judy Stringer Poor credit can be a significant source of stress. Worrying about debt, late payments and potential collections takes a toll on mental and physical health, and the chronic stress can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease and even depression. Whether you’ve already begun building a stronger credit portfolio or you’re wondering […]

Having a gun in your home can be your best or worst health and wellness decision
Proper professional training for adults, so the can provide proper protection for their loved ones, is essential for maximum health and wellness in any home. By Robert Euerle, Owner and President, Parma Armory Shooting Center, Gun Safety Training Institute Robert Euerle, Owner and President, Parma Armory Firearms kept in homes have always been a controversial […]
Stretching may alleviate, stem tension headaches
by Judy Stringer Instead of reaching for that bottle of ibuprofen the next time your head is throbbing, consider reaching for a yoga mat. Dr. Deborah Reed, a neurologist at University Hospitals and director of its headache center, said many “tension-type headaches” – those that often feel like a tight band around your head – […]
Will near-vision-boosting eye drops replace reading glasses? Not completely
by Martin McConnell Vuity Eye Drops received FDA approval in October 2021 and have since become a popular topic in the world of optometry. Vuity aims to replace traditional reading glasses in many patients over the age of 40. The once-a-day eye drop prescription treats presbyopia, also known as age-related blurry vision. “The way it […]
Show your nails some love
NewsUSA – When was the last time you thought about the health of your nails? The fact is proper nail care helps keep your hard-working hands and feet looking and feeling their best by decreasing infection risk and breakage.“We need to think about nail care in the same way we think about skin care and […]
Melatonin not a one-size-fits-all sleep solution, experts say
by Melissa Martin It’s shortly after midnight and you’re at the ceiling. You’ve got to be up and out of the house by 7 a.m. to make an early meeting, so you reluctantly head to the medicine cabinet where a bottle of chewable melatonin tablets – purchased for nights just like this – is calling […]
Equine therapy offers unique intervention to emotional, mental challenges
by Sara Hill There’s a line in the 1995 novel-turned-movie, “The Horse Whisperer,” that resonates with the mission and theme of Hope Meadows, a local equine-assisted psychotherapy program: “I guess that’s all forever is. Just one long trail of nows. And I guess all you can do is try and live one now at a […]