Retro Bill inspires students to be kind

The Highland Foundation for Educational Excellence, along with the Medina County Sheriff’s Office DARE Program, welcomed national motivational speaker Retro Bill to Highland Schools on Sept. 13-14.

Retro Bill talked to students about the “Six Pillars of Character:” trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. He is also highly regarded for his anti-bullying/conflict-resolution and his anti-drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse presentations.

Through his high-energy performance and humor, Retro Bill connected with and motivated K-5 students at Granger, Hinckley and Sharon elementary schools, as well as sixth graders at Highland Middle School.


Featured image photo caption: Retro Bill praised Highland Middle School sixth-grader Sam Schmalz during the assembly, saying he serves as an inspiration and a role model for coming to school each day with a positive attitude and a smile. Photo by Highland Schools