Hudson Mayor’s Corner

by Mayor David Basil

We are the benefactors of the tremendous efforts of generations of Hudson citizens to preserve our community’s unique sense of place and its history. An architect for whom I have great respect once described the buildings in our historic core as having a certain democracy. Each is unique. Yet none overshadows others. From the Brewster Mansion to the shops on Main Street to Town Hall, it all works harmoniously and magnificently. The interest and beauty of our community is not an accident. It is the product of devotion, vision and shared effort.

Neatly ensconced at the western edge of the Green at the northwest corner of Main Street and West Streetsboro sits a home well known to many Hudson citizens: The Baldwin-Buss House. Some, however, may not notice it or may not recognize its significance. It watches over the Green much as a steward carefully tending its ward. Its last resident was the late Rich Merino, a much-loved member of our community his entire life.

The home, however, long predates Rich and every other current Hudson citizen. The original structure, which is intact, was built in 1825 by Lemuel Porter. Porter was a master builder and architect. Among his other well-known efforts is the Congregational Church on Tallmadge Circle. Many of the home’s original architectural features are intact but are concealed by more recently constructed additions. Although it is one of the oldest homes in Hudson, the house is not merely old. It is historic. It sits in the midst of Hudson’s National Historic District and is included in the Historic American Buildings Survey.

The historic importance of the Baldwin-Buss House rests not merely in the structure. That historic significance exists equally in its location on the Green and in its relationship to its surroundings. The house connects our community to its roots in tangible ways. It is an essential piece of the sense of place, human scale and architectural democracy that defines Hudson.

Unfortunately, the Baldwin-Buss House has fallen into some measure of disrepair. In an effort to preserve this critical piece of our history and streetscape, three Hudson citizens, Donovan Husat, Inga Walker and Kathy Russell, have formed the Baldwin-Buss House Foundation. It sole mission is to raise the funds necessary to purchase, restore, maintain and preserve the property in its historic realm for the use, education and benefit of future generations of Hudson citizens. The effort to raise the funds necessary to purchase the historic home and associated surrounding commercial property is significant, but not impossible, and requires broad community support. The time left to accomplish the goal is short. On April 12, the current owners of the Baldwin-Buss House agreed to allow the foundation until Aug. 10 to secure the $1.7 million purchase price.

I hope you will visit the foundation’s website,, to learn more about the Baldwin-Buss House and the foundation and to support this important effort to preserve a jewel in the history of our community. It is part of our opportunity to secure the legacy for future generations of Hudson citizens.