Hosts needed for On the Table discussions

Residents in Summit and Medina counties will gather in small groups on Thursday, Oct. 3, to have mealtime discussions about the community’s most pressing needs, as Akron Community Foundation again sponsors On the Table Greater Akron.

The community foundation is seeking hosts to facilitate these discussions, and anyone who lives, works, worships or attends school in these counties is invited to host or participate in a conversation.

This year, conversations will focus on three issues: drugs and addiction; the aging senior population; and diversity, equity and social inclusion. While hosts are able to choose any topic, Akron Community Foundation is encouraging conversation around these three topics it has identified as funding priorities for its proactive grant-making initiative and this year’s On the Table Community Impact Awards.

Hosts will be responsible for inviting eight to 12 guests to their conversations, which can take place at family dinner tables, local restaurants, church basements, community centers, classrooms and elsewhere. Hosts are asked to attend an in-person training session or view an online training video before the event. There will be training sessions on Thursday, Sept. 5, from 3-4:30 p.m.; Tuesday, Sept. 17, from 5-6:30 p.m.; and Thursday, Sept. 26, from 3-4:30 p.m. All training sessions will be held at the American Red Cross, 501 W. Market St., in Akron.

To learn more about Akron’s On the Table initiative and to get involved, contact John Garofalo at 330-436-5624 or