Middle school PSO raising funds to renovate 50-year-old auditorium
by Stacia Naoum
The Brecksville-Broadview Heights Middle School Parent School Organization is coordinating a multi-year fundraising effort to renovate the auditorium at Brecksville-Broadview Heights Middle School, 6376 Mill Rd.
Kerry Ely and Denise Gawlik, middle school PSO co-presidents, are co-chairs of the newly formed BBH Middle School PSO Auditorium Renovation Committee, established in partnership with the district. Other committee members are Khara Mack (treasurer), Marla Speeth, Emily Woods and Petra Laszlo. The committee is working closely with middle school Principal Todd Rings to complete the project.
“The middle school auditorium is a highly visible part of our district and is used by the entire student population, as well as external groups,” said Ely. “Due to its age of 50 years, it is in need of substantial repairs and upgrades to present as a safe, functional and up-to-date area for large-space student educational needs and performing arts.”
In addition to the 750 middle school students that use the space daily, more than 100 events were held in the auditorium during the 2018-2019 school year. Half of those were hosted by other district schools or outside groups.
School events include holiday shows, musicals, choir, band and orchestra concerts, speech and debate and PSO events. Outside events include Camp Invention, dance recitals and private business functions.
The 974-seat auditorium was built in 1970 and is mostly in its original condition. Limited improvements were made in 1992, including new seat fabric, paint and carpeting. The lighting dimmer system was replaced within the last 20 years.
“The patchwork that is done by our excellent custodial staff each year barely keeps pace with usage as the building continues to age,” said Gawlik.
Identified needs include electrical, sound and lighting replacement and upgrades in excess of $175,000; replacement seats reconfigured to accommodate special needs students and guests at an estimated cost of $200,000; and a new stage curtain at an estimated cost of $30,000.
Fundraising by the PSO committee began in January 2019 and has come from a variety of sources, including individual donors, corporate matches and contributions from the middle school PSO and PSO units in the other schools, said Ely.
“We partnered with the Kiwanis Club of Brecksville to host the Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra this past November, where all proceeds were donated to auditorium, and hosted Rick Smith Jr.’s Magic Gives Back program this February, which raised nearly $15,000,” she said.
At its Feb. 27 meeting, the Kiwanis Club presented the auditorium committee with a $5,020 check from the November event. The event raised an additional $550 in online ticket sales and $200 in concessions.
The Music in Our Schools Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, March 21, sponsored by the BBHCSD music department and parent boosters, also benefits the auditorium fund, said Gawlik.
“We anticipate having approximately $85,000-$90,000 of our $250,000 goal by June 2020 and hope to conclude by June 2021,” she said.
The project will be done in phases, with the first phase of replacement and upgrade of the electrical and lighting systems in the auditorium to be completed this spring and summer.
This phase will be funded by a contribution from the district and an $8,800 grant awarded by the Brecksville-Broadview Heights Schools Foundation, specifically for stage lighting, said Ely.
Although it will be a contributor to the project, the district has limited resources to allocate to the auditorium for the foreseeable future, she said.
Phase two of the renovation will be completed in 2021 after the fundraising goal is met. It includes cosmetic upgrades, such as replacing the seats and curtain, as well as new carpet (which will be donated) and fresh paint, said Gawlik. For more information, visit bbhmiddleschoolpso.com. To donate to the project, visit GoFundMe.com and search “BBH Middle School Auditorium Renovation Campaign.”
Feature image photo caption: Brecksville-Broadview Heights Middle School PSO Auditorium Renovation Committee members (l-r) Petra Laszlo, Kerry Ely, Denise Gawlik and Khara Mack stand in the aging auditorium they plan to renovate. Photo by J. Mitchell