Memorial Day Parade canceled

by Judy Stringer

The Hudson Memorial Day Parade – a perennial favorite that signals the beginning of a host of summertime events in Hudson – has been canceled. Cindy Suchan-Rothgery, chairman of the Memorial Day Parade and president of the American Legion Auxiliary of Lee-Bishop Post 464, called canceling the parade “a very emotional decision”

“But a necessary one due to the current health concerns. We are looking forward to next year when we can all be together for the parade,” Suchan-Rothgery said.

The cancellation marks the first time Hudson has not hosted a Memorial Day parade since it was halted for four years during World War II, she said. Suchan-Rothgery was not sure when the annual parade began, but said the local American Legion post has been involved in organizing the event since it was chartered 100 years ago this October.

“My memories go back to the 1960s and riding in the Memorial Day parade as a junior member of the American Legion Auxiliary. My mother took over as parade chairman sometime in the early 1970s and continued to do so until health issues arose, and the parade was turned over to me around 1998, and I have been the chairman since,” she said.  

Roughly 65 groups participate in the parade each year with around 1,500 marchers. Despite the parade’s cancellation, veterans will still be honored during a service on Memorial Day at Markillie Cemetery. Suchan-Rothgery said that service will be live-streamed on the city of Hudson website and available for later viewing on Hudson Community Television, HCTV.