Township Corner

Recently, after approximately two years of work, plans and hopes for a new business to develop in the JEDD were dropped. As of now, there is word of another business looking to possibly locate here, but we are in competition with a nearby community for this business. The owner of the JEDD property is looking to create an incentive for this company to come here in the form of Tax Increment Financing to help provide funding for infrastructure.

Oviatt Road is ongoing and the resurfacing should done by this time. 

The United States Census Bureau wants you to fill out your census forms. They have also moved the time for submission to the end of September rather than October. This information is used to determine the amount of tax funding each community receives, based on population and demographics. This money, in turn, provides funds for local needs.

Our township has been involved with many agencies since the COVID-19 outbreak. We have established two fund accounts for CARES Act money, which we will receive through House Bill 481. As of this time we are in the process of receiving guidance from the Summit County legal department, which will be watching distribution of monies and how it can spend for each local government.  Crime and your trash. Recently, a car was observed on Black Road early one evening, and a person was seen going through one of our citizen’s trash. A call was made to Richfield PD dispatch to report this. Criminals want your trash. Period. They may find your account numbers or credit card applications; they may find your medicines and what you have in your home. If you witness any suspicious activity around our community, call the police immediately. Never think you are disturbing our police. That’s why we have them.