The Grapevine

The extended Paulette family collaborated with Revere Board of Education member Claudia Hower to organize a parade past the home of Jim Paulette, who has been suffering from COVID-19 since August. Doctors have tried several treatments but Jim remains very ill. He is being cared for at his home on Revere Road to avoid exposure to other infectious diseases. Paulette is fire chief of Granger Township. Several fire departments, as well as family and friends, took part in the Oct. 17 parade. All participants wore masks and displayed signs reminding others to do the same.  

Congratulations to Richfield artist Linda Zust, who recently collaborated with Independence author Denise Rose in publishing a children’s book. The book has a “happy heart” theme and Zust, a muralist, used Prisma and water colors for the artwork in the book. 

A recently published chidren’s book features the artwork of Richfield resident Linda Zust. Photo by K. Scott Sowinsky

Ruth Leach, who has lived in Richfield for the past nine years, turned 100 on Oct. 19. She said her secret to a long, healthy life is to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and to stay active as long as possible. She worked as a caregiver until she was 90. Her niece, Sandra Celebrezze, hosted a birthday lunch and organized a video production by, which gathers birthday wishes and memories on a video and sends it to the recipient. 

Ruth Leach is celebrating her 100th birthday with family in Richfield. Photo courtesy of S. Celebrezze

We are sorry to hear about the recent death of Sonya Raybould, sister of Serena Raybould Evans. The Raybould sisters operated the Taverne of Richfield between 2012 and 2018 before it closed. They then opened a restaurant in North Royalton, Kavana. Sonya often sang at the Taverne, frequently with her father. She was 37 and died of natural causes.  

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