A cut above: St. Barnabas School principal fulfills lofty promise
by Emily Chesnic
St. Barnabas Catholic School in Northfield continues to reach for new heights with Principal Erin Faetanini recently getting to see her students from a rooftop vantage point.
It was a first-time St. Barnabas Parent Teacher Unit (PTU) fundraiser for the school that led to the first-time experience for the principal, who spent April 19 on the school’s roof, making good on a promise to the students.
The deal? If students raise $20,000 for their school, Faetanini would conduct her daily business rooftop, rain or shine.
Earlier this year, the school held a DanceFit Challenge, socially distanced, with the students collecting pledges for minutes danced. The fundraiser goal was met and then some, said Jessica Endress of the PTU. With about $28,000 was raised, Faetanini raised her office location for the entire day, 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Upon arrival to school, Faetanini greeted the students from her roof perch. Students delighted in watching their principal in her temporary workspace, which included music and bubbles. The principal said she enjoyed interacting with the students this way, even batting a beachball back and forth with them during recess.
“As we are wrapping up this challenging and historical year with the pandemic, it is so refreshing to bring some fun to these much-deserving students,” Faetanini said. “They did an awesome job raising money for our school, and we wanted to make this a fun day for them. Fortunately, it did not rain, and temperatures were mild.”
Just like the rooftop activity, the January DanceFit Challenge was high energy and fun for all, as students spent 35 minutes showing off their dance moves for the fundraiser, said Endress. She said DanceFit replaced the traditional school 5K to keep children apart more easily amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Terri Kolo serves as this year’s PTU president and co-chaired the fundraiser with Endress and Kelly Mirambeau.
The Jan. 28 fundraiser brought in more donations to the school than the 5k typically does, so the PTU likely will have the DanceFit Challenge again next year, Endress said. The money collected through the fundraiser, with pledges now coming in from all 50 states, will be used to enhance educational and recreational experiences at the school, she said.
“We currently are getting bids for different things,” Endress said. “The kids helped raise the money, so we are looking at ways to better the school and environment for them.”
Since field trips could not take place this year due to the pandemic, the PTU specifically is hoping to bring a traveling field trip to the children. Endress said the PTU has not made any final decisions but is looking to invite the Center of Science and Industry (COSI) of Columbus to the campus.
In addition, the PTU is considering some blacktop stenciling to allow the students to play “cool” games during recess, she said. ∞