Bath United Church of Christ welcomes Pastor Brenda Waddell
by Wendy Turrell
The Bath United Church of Christ recently extended a full-time call to ministry to Rev. Brenda Waddell, who will serve as the pastor of pastoral care. Waddell was ordained into Christian ministry with the United Church of Christ on Aug. 14, which she called, “One of the best days of my life.”
Waddell and her spouse are new to the Bath UCC congregation, having been members of a large Akron UCC church for the past six years.
Waddell answered the call to ministry after a successful 30-year career in finance in the automotive industry. She described her journey to answer God’s call as one that involved trusting God in a way she never had before. Knowing it would involve significant changes in her life, she said she was initially reluctant.
“At one point, I finally said to God, ‘If I get fired, then I know you want me 100% of the time.’ Approximately one month later, after refusing to deliver a deal which I believed was unethical, I was terminated,” said Waddell.
With only a high school education, she began her journey to her new calling in 2005, by first earning an undergraduate degree in psychology from Ashford University, then a Master of Divinity degree from Methodist Theological School in Ohio. She also has a certification from the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education.
Waddell’s role encompasses more than the title suggests. As pastor of pastoral care, she provides pastoral care to all Bath UCC members and staff, visits the hospitalized, provides counseling, facilitates grief support groups and officiates funerals. Waddell also works closely with senior minister Rev. Dr. Cindy Parker to help plan worship services, and she will preach once a month.
In addition to those duties, Waddell will oversee Bath UCC’s many care ministries. These include breadwinners, the food/soup ministry, prayer shawl ministry, transportation, funeral committee, card ministry, the Samaritans, health care, the prayer list and the Stephen Ministers. Fortunately, Bath UCC has many committed helpers for these outreach programs.
“The church is blessed by the passionate volunteers who participate in the care ministries,” said Waddell.
Of her new role, Waddell said, “I love what I do. I also realize that I have been providing pastoral care for years, just without having the title.” She continued, “Surprisingly, working in the automotive industry prepared me in unique ways for ministry. Both occupations involve dealing with unknown situations and various people on a regular basis.”
Although Waddell feels the scope and responsibilities of providing pastoral care have changed, she also believes the pandemic “has demonstrated that we are all connected, regardless of our individual differences.” She quoted poet John Donne’s famous line: “No man is an island.”
Above all, Waddell is guided by the Great Commandment: “As a minister in the United Church of Christ, I believe that we are all created in the divine image of God. With this perspective, my scope of care extends beyond the four walls of the church. … When I consider the greatest commandment to love God and to love our neighbor, I am compelled to include all my neighbors.” ∞
Photo: Rev. Brenda Waddell preaches to the congregation. Photo submitted.