Brecksville author pens third self-help book
By Kim Scott-Sowinski
After sequestering herself in a room at her lake house in Vermillion this summer, Brecksville resident JJ DiGeronimo finished her third book, “Seeking: 74 Key Findings to Raise your Energy, Sidestep YourSelf–Doubts, and Align with Your Life’s Work.”
The 50-year-old award-winning author, speaker and podcaster has accomplished so much over her career, but still felt empty. “I decided to do some seeking of who I really was and why I was here. The universe has an amazing way of pulling out the rug from under you, whether it’s your job, your relationships, your kids.”
Her first two books are “TheWorkingWoman’sGPS” and “AccelerateYourImpact:Action–BasedStrategies to PaveyourProfessionalPath.”
“Seeking,” available in November, helps people to take steps and action on plans and ideas they have been sitting on for so long.
DiGeronimo, founder of Tech Savvy Women and Together We Seek, said she wrote her latest book to connect with women 40-60 years old who have already accomplished so much in their lives but are still asking themselves, “Now what? What is this for? Why do I feel alone?”
“I tapped into what was needed to make this book into a tool with 52 chapters to be used more like a workbook,” she said. “I put 74 key findings in the book because they were all nuggets I wish I had earlier in my life. I am thrilled to package it up for other women so they can take what resonates with them and run with it.”
Self doubt, DiGeronimo said, is the biggest challenge for every woman she has met in conference rooms for a long time.
“I’ve discovered so many talents left at the door to a society structured with a masculine energy,” she said. “I feel the world needs more feminine knowing, collaboration, understanding and connection with nature and I think the time is now.”
A mom of two teenagers with a very supportive husband, DiGeronimo advises women to continue working on their careers and keep cultivating the steps necessary to get to those leadership positions.
For self-care, DiGironimo recommends energy works, learning, listening to podcasts, practicing meditation, walking with friends and doing things that bring her back to what matters.
“[What matters] is being right here, right now,” she said. “Listen to the wisdom within. The whispers calling you to do things you know you should be doing, but don’t know how to do it. Go to the book and learn the strategies on how to do it.”
“Seeking”is available wherever books are sold. Connect on any social platforms @ JJDiGeronimo, or ∞

encouraging women to take action on plans they have been
postponing for one reason or another. Photo by K. Scott-Sowinski