Marching Band to don new attire, former uniforms for sale
by Alex Vukoder
The Revere Marching Band will be sporting new uniforms for the 2023-24 season, but the plans for the new outerwear began with the purchase of their current uniforms eight years ago.
Marching band uniforms generally have a lifespan of seven to eight years. With this in mind, the Revere Music Parent Association earmarked a percentage of its fundraising efforts each year since 2015 for uniforms. By the time the uniforms started showing wear, funds would be available for new ones. Fundraisers included the annual Tag Day, Marching Band invitational and Bands in the Round dinner.
Uniforms to dress the entire band and the color guard cost $75,000. To cover the costs of 120 band and 30 color guard uniforms, Revere Local Schools matched what RMPA was able to raise.
“We are extremely grateful for the work and the forethought that RMPA puts into fundraising for the entire music program,” said Dr. Darren LeBeau, director of bands. “The matching support of Revere Local Schools is so appreciated as well.”
The uniforms are worn on average by 130 musicians each season. Each season includes at least ten football games, four local competitions, plus the state competition. Additionally, the uniforms are worn to community parades. This equates to each retiring uniform having been worn more than 136 times, including three trips to Disney World in Florida.
According to LeBeau, the uniform company’s artist designed the new uniforms based on school colors and pictures of the previous two uniforms. LeBeau said he asked them to “incorporate aspects of the previous uniforms we liked and create a new design with the current trends seen in today’s marching band uniforms.”
Music directors chose from three submitted designs. At the same time, LeBeau sent the uniform sketches to the color guard uniform company to make a companion uniform.
The retiring uniforms will kickoff fundraising for the next set of attire needed in about seven years. Band boosters, alumni and graduating seniors will have the opportunity to purchase a uniform, and band parents will be turning the Revere band jackets into memory pillows. The remaining pants, hats and gauntlets will be listed on band directors’ resale sites. Visit the contact page on to inquire about purchasing one of the retiring uniforms or a keepsake pillow. ∞

Band uniforms
will debut during the
2023-24 season. Photo