Bath Township Museum exhibit features township parks

by Laura Bednar

The Bath Township Museum will feature a new exhibit, “Now and Then,” opening on April 3. This exhibit is a continuation of last year’s display on Bath Township schools, with the addition of information on the eight different Bath parks.

The exhibit will include panels that tell the story of the families and land related to the parks as well as information on each park in present day. Each panel will also include photo collages of the parks taken by Bath Parks Board President John Landis.

In connection with the new exhibit, Bath Township plans to place a poster board of information in each of the parks this summer. Residents will be encouraged to visit each park and take a photo with the board. Those who take a photo with each board will earn a lanyard, available at the museum.

The exhibit will still cover Bath schools ranging from the 1800s to present day and teachers who made a difference in Bath education.

Patti Graham, Bath Historical Society secretary, said new items found through metal detecting at the Stony Hill Schoolhouse site on Hametown Road will also be on display.

“I hope people will learn more about how early schools started and how it has all evolved,” said Graham. “People new to the community may not have known some of the old school buildings that have since been torn down.”

“Now and Then” opens on April 3, at 2 p.m., at the Bath Township Museum, 1241 North Cleveland-Massillon Rd. Museum hours are Mondays from 2-4 p.m., Wednesdays from 9 a.m.-2 p.m., and the last Saturday of the month from 10 a.m.-noon. The Stony Hill Schoolhouse, 49 North Hametown Rd., will be open the last Sunday of the month from 1-3 p.m. May through August. ∞

Featured Photo: Each panel in the exhibit will have a history of the park and photos of the parks taken by John Landis. Photo by Laura Bednar.