Heart of Revere holds ‘Kiss a Pig’ contest
by Laura Bednar

Heart of Revere held its latest fundraiser, in which students from each school in the Revere district chose a teacher or staff member to kiss a live pig during an all-school assembly.
Heart of Revere is a nonprofit that serves families in Bath and Richfield dealing with financial hardship. The “Kiss a Pig” event raised $2,250, with $1,200 of those funds coming from Bath Elementary. Donation buckets representing four to six staff members at each school were accessible for almost two weeks in April. Students donated money to whichever staff member they wanted to see pucker up for the pig.
Richfield Elementary Principal Anthony Stretar was the first lucky winner who kissed Kalua the pig. At Bath Elementary, fifth- grade teacher John Faust was the winner. Kalua let out a little squeal when Revere Middle School health/PE teacher David Flegal stepped up for a kiss. Dr. Andy Peltz, Revere High School principal, came prepared with goggles before giving his kiss.
“It was an exciting fundraiser allowing us the opportunity to engage the students and staff at Revere Local Schools in a continuing effort to raise awareness of our organization and encourage students/families to reach out to us in time of need,” said Heart of Revere Founder Torina White. “Funds raised will help support the financial needs of students to participate in Revere affiliated programs.” ∞