Revere Superintendent’s Corner by Dr. Michael Tefs

Thankful for the behind the scenes people

As we begin a new school year, officially on Aug. 22, I am incredibly thankful and grateful for the efforts of our classified and exempt employees. Approximately 123 of these employees represent our departments of transportation, health, custodial, secretarial, maintenance, grounds, aides, food service, and central office employees. Where would Revere be without the amazing efforts of these often behind-the-scenes employees?

I am in awe of the efforts and commitment of our classified and central office employees. Each summer they perform amazing work; maintenance, painting, scrubbing, and preparation for the next school year. What they accomplish in about 10 weeks is simply remarkable and so incredibly important for our operations.

To put some of this into perspective, these various departments are not small operations. For example, our transportation department consists of 20 employees who greet many of our students first thing in the morning and are wishing them well at the end of each day. These highly skilled professionals drive, as a whole, approximately 2,100 miles daily! To put that into context, driving from Revere High School to Disney World is 1,030 miles. Our drivers, collectively, travel to Disney World and back each day.

Our food service department prepares 1,100 meals daily. More importantly, they are the kindest and most supportive restaurant I have ever visited. They not only prepare terrific meals for our students each day, they truly are partners in our education process.

Our custodial and maintenance departments are as skilled as I have ever witnessed. The visiting public views the outcome of their efforts, but rarely sees them in action. Our custodians and maintenance employees skillfully take care of 505,000 sq. footage across the school system. Our schools and grounds look fabulous as they work tirelessly to care for our public assets.

Lastly, our central office. Ten employees are responsible for the human resources of 350 employees and a $42 million annual budget. Only in the public sector do 10 employees lead a $42 million operation with 350 employees. Incredible!

As we celebrate the excitement that a new school year provides, please join me in applauding the efforts of our classified and central office employees. Though often behind the scenes, they are an amazingly cherished asset for Revere.

Revere Pride! ∞