‘Fill the Bus’ campaign runs through October
The Nordonia Hills PTAs, along with Building Boosters of Nordonia Hills, is hosting the ninth annual “Fill the Bus” campaign to benefit The Emergency Assistance Center. The groups are asking for community support to “fill a bus” with non-perishable food items.
Students, staff and community members are asked to leave unexpired non-perishable food items in any of the collection bins in the following drop-off locations:
Nordonia Ministerium, Drayer Physical Therapy in Macedonia, The Goddard School in Macedonia, Kindercare in Macedonia, United Methodist Church in Macedonia, the Nordonia Hills branch of Akron Summit County Library, Macedonia Parks & Recreation, Northfield Presbyterian Church, Nordonia Hills Rotary and any of the school buildings in the Nordonia district.

New this year, TEAC is also accepting donations via the QR code in this article or through teacenter.org. A monetary donation allows TEAC members to buy what is most needed for less fortunate neighbors.
In 2022, the food drive collected 9,600 pounds of non-perishable food items from this event. This year’s goal is to collect over 12,000 pounds. For measurement purposes, each dollar donated through the QR code or online equals 1 pound of food.
The collection will run through from Oct. 2-28. For more information, contact Karen Byers at nhbuildingboosters@roadrunner.com. ∞