Halloween, Fall Fest planned for Oct. 28
The Hinckley Chamber of Commerce will host the township’s annual Halloween and Fall Festival on Saturday, Oct. 28, from 4-6 p.m. in downtown Hinckley.
The free event, which features costumes, candy and community, will take place rain or shine, starting at the old fire station bays at Town Hall and continuing north on both sides of Ridge Road to the Coco Café/Post Office parking lot. Local businesses, clubs, organizations and individuals line the streets giving out treats and offering up games for children and families to enjoy.
Following the event, the Hinckley Preparatory Academy, located at 1586 Center Rd. In the former elementary school building, has invited the community to enjoy inflatables, snacks, games and food trucks from 5-7 p.m.
Those wishing to hand out candy are 100% responsible for setting up their own decorations by 3:45 p.m., and should prepare for at least 600 trick-or-treaters. There is no cost to participate and available space is on a first-come, first-served basis.
Participants who plan to be in front of an establishment or its parking lot, are required to ask the business for permission in advance. Safety guidelines are available at hinckleychamber.com.
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