Village Green plan includes a bandstand

by Sue Serdinak

Aug. 29 village council special meeting

Richfield Village Council reviewed plans to improve the appearance and functionality of the Green. Landscape Designer Rob Morgan presented several plans that would create a loop, a walking trail around the perimeter, a bandstand and a timber-framed structure to serve as a gathering place.

A walkway through the middle of the Green might be part of the plan, and park board Chairman Carolyn Sullivan suggested using mud-track pavers so grass would grow between them, maintaining the appearance of a lawn.

Councilperson Rick Hudak suggested closing the east-west portion of Grant Street, south of the Green, and converting it to additional parking. Mike Lyzt, owner of the Richfield Brewing Company, reminded council that plans for the brewery include a pavilion on the corner of Grant Street north-south and Grant Street east-west.

Construction of the brewery is underway. Lyzt advised council that a drainage problem was discovered along Grant Street, which will impact parking.

Eastwood Barn

Architect Scott Wallenhurst presented designs for a building on the Eastwood Preserve property to replace the barn that was razed in 2022.

Neighbors of the property, Bill and Juanita Taylor, donated for the acquisition of the Eastwood Preserve and when the barn on the property was razed, it exposed their house to park visitors. The Taylors were promised that a replacement building would be built to block the view from their home.

The zoning code dictates that the siding of the new building should match the siding of the century home on the preserve. However, park board member Ellen Daniels suggested the siding should match the siding of existing small barns behind the house.

“The milk barn is red and has a black roof,” said Daniels. The house is white.

Mayor Michael Wheeler suggested that council ask the park board to meet and make a recommendation to council.

Fellowship Hall

Wallenhurst also provided information about exterior work for Fellowship Hall and the Richfield Historical Society. He recommended re-siding Fellowship Hall with a composite siding as soon as possible because of decaying wood.

He showed photos of the original building, with a pointed steeple and three other facades the building has had since it was built in 1850. He recommended the doors and windows be replaced.

Council budgeted $500,000 to re-side Fellowship Hall and the historical society. However, that amount may cover the cost of re-siding only Fellowship Hall.

Council reviewed possible locations for two salt sheds on village property at 3921 Brecksville Rd. Wheeler said the current shed behind Town Hall would be used to store large road equipment. ∞

Photo: Landscape Architect Rob Morgan presented this plan for the Green on the corner of West Streetsboro and Broadview roads and Grant Street.