Trustees approve software for park visitors
by Laura Bednar
Oct. 23 township trustees meeting
Bath Township Trustees approved a $6,000 contract with Rec Desk Recreation Management Software to provide software for scheduling and management. Administrator and Police Chief Vito Sinopoli said the software is available on the township website and is used to coordinate shelter reservations in Bath parks and allows residents and teams to schedule use of the ball fields.
Trustees approved a $20,966 payment to Indy Equipment for a new RD12A roller for the service department. Service Director and Interim Parks Director Caine Collins said the machine is used to flatten asphalt and compact snow.
The service department paid Melway Paving Company $275,246 for estimate No. 1 of this year’s Summit County Resurfacing Program. Collins said it has been worthwhile working with the county, and the roads have turned out well.
A $17,100 septic system was installed at 1581 Hickory Farm Lane, a property in the Bath Nature Preserve the township hopes to use as a rental facility.
Bath entered into an agreement with Revere Schools and Richfield Village to pay for the school resource officer program. The Richfield Police Department supplies the SRO. The contract runs from Sept. 1, 2023, through Aug. 31, 2026.
The Bath Historical Society signed a five-year lease with the township to continue using the old Bath Town Hall as a museum at 1241 Cleveland-Massillon Rd. ∞