Case-Barlow plans summer open houses

Case-Barlow Farm is hosting three summer open houses to enable community members of all ages to enjoy the historic farm at 1931 Barlow Rd. The summer open houses are the second Sunday of each summer month, and are set for June 9, July 14 and Aug. 11 this year.

“The Case-Barlow Farm open houses are free and open to the public,” shared Donna Rakotci, Case-Barlow Farm board member. “Part of our mission at CBF is to provide the community with educational programs that continue to highlight the farm’s place in Hudson history.”

On June 9, from 1- 4 p.m., Liz Murphy and Debbie Classen will speak about their book of the history of Hudson and their work with the Hudson Visitors Center and Destination Hudson. Their program will also highlight the importance of CBF to our community. Tours of the CBF barn, farmhouse and grounds will be provided after the program.

On July 14, , from 1- 4 p.m., magician Rick Smith Jr. will perform his magic for children of all ages. Participants can also take part in the game “What on Earth is that?” The game includes a display of things that the Cases and Barlows would have used when the farm was a working home and farm, and then asking participants to guess what the items are and how they were used. This program is set for 1 p.m. to 4p.m.

On August 11, CBF will host a Classic Car Show, from 4-7 p.m. Hotdogs, popcorn and refreshments will be available that evening along with a raffle and music. The car show brings classic and interesting cars to the farm and offers a chance to learn more about the cars from their owners. Anyone interested in displaying their car, should contact Tom Rakotci at 330-715-8363 by Aug. 1.

All the open houses are free events, although donations to support the farm and its mission are welcome. Visit for more information. ∞