Hinckley Women’s Club awards scholarships to Kuzma, Rohm

by Chris Studor

            It was a proud moment for Addyson Kuzma and Anna Rohm who were each awarded a $1,000 scholarship at the Hinckley Women’s Club April meeting.  A total of 31 students applied for the scholarships. A committee ranked the applicants with names removed from the applications to determine the two winners.

            Addyson Kuzma, daughter Of Alison and Dennis Kuzma of Hinckley, was one of the two students selected. Addyson has her sights on working towards a master’s degree in mechanical engineering with hopes of a future career with NASA. The Highland High School senior has been taking several college-level classes to allow her to focus more on engineering classes once she attends Akron University this fall.

            Kuzma has devoted a great deal of her time toward volunteer work and is a familiar face at Buzzard Day, helping at the festivities since she was a little girl. She also helped with her church’s fish fries and during COVID helped put together care packages for people in assisted living. sShe also has served as peer leader the past two years of high school,  visiting elementary schools and educating second-graders on topics such as bullying and emotions.

            Kuzma is active outside the school environment as well. She has been a frequent babysitter for family and friends. In addition, she helps with her father’s party rental business helping with set up and take down of chairs, tables and tents. She also helps with her mother’s embroidering business, helping with printing, packaging and shipping.

Additionally, Kuzma has helped coach volleyball developing as a coach herself to a 13s American team at Academy Volleyball Cleveland.

            “I like to encourage others the most that I can,” she said. “I always stick with a positive attitude towards anything I do from volleyball games to tests and exams.”

            With the goal of becoming a pediatric nurse practitioner, AnnaRohmof Hinckley was also awarded a $1,000 scholarship. She is currently finishing her first year of college at Ohio State after graduating summa cum laude from Highland High School in 2023. As a freshman at The Ohio State University, she has earned a place on the Dean’s List in the College of Nursing at Ohio State.

While a nursing student, Rohm has become involved in nursing-related organizations including N-SPRIRE and BSNA and Buckeye Student Nurses Association. While juggling academics, she also works at Wiant Jewelers when she is home on breaks.

            Rohm said that while at Highland High School, she was instilled with a love for people and putting others before herself. She was a member of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, volunteered for the Peer Leading Program and coached youth soccer.

            “As I transitioned to Ohio State, I wanted to show this community the same gratitude that I showed at home,” she said. “Empower Sports involves pairing with a child with intellectual disabilities to play a sport for an hour every Sunday. Similarly, in Project Sunshine, we visited a hospital neighboring Ohio State and made crafts with children in the pediatric department. Participating in both of these clubs highlighted the resilience of those children despite the adversity that’s been present in their lives. “

Rohm said she noticed the joy the children felt by participating in Empower and Project Sunshine,

“It showcased the positive impact I could make on communities that were facing challenges,” she said. “As I progress into my future as a nurse, I intend to have the same perspective with patients I care for.”

HWC President Ann Leo presented Anna’s mother, Alison, with a $1,000 check as Anna was taking classes at Ohio State when the awards were announced. ∞

Photo: Gayle Staron (right), presents a scholarship check to Addyson Kuzma (center) and her mother, Alison. Photo by Chris Studor.