New chocolate shop sweetens Main Street

by Michele Collins

Ken and Jessie Obert have created their own version of Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory right here in Hudson.

The couple – who are best known around town for their work in the real estate business, Jessie as a realtor and Ken as an appraiser – had wanted to create a side business, doing something they thought would fit the vibe of their hometown.

“We first thought we were going to buy a franchise, and just manage it,” shared Ken. “But I am the kind of person who wants to learn everything about a business, so as I started learning to make chocolate, I realized I really, really enjoyed it. And we decided we would create our own chocolate business.”

Jessie had previously worked in a chocolate shop before her real estate career and loved the chocolate business as well.

They scoured the city for the right location, thinking of another location in the Evaporator Works before finding out the former Tide Cleaners laundry business was moving out. The Oberts jumped on the opportunity to open a chocolate store at 51 S. Main Street, Suite 1.

Nona’s Hudson Crafted Confectionery opened in March, offering bonbons, truffles, chocolate barks, chocolate-covered oreos and more. It even features “Hudson Explorer” chocolates.

“We handcraft small-batch chocolates with locally sourced, organic goods when possible, including, but not limited to, honey from Buzz Off Honey or Fosters Meadow, jam/jellies from Till Family Farm and coffee from Peninsula Coffee House,” said Ken.

As for the name, “Nona is the Italian word for mother or grandmother, and we believe that the cocoa plant is kind of like the mother of all desserts,” said Jessie. “We want our chocolates to be as special as the ones a mother or grandmother would make.”

In their research about the chocolate business, the couple learned how sensitive the chocolate plant is to weather and temperature. Likewise, they learned that in the chocolate business temperature and texture are vitally important.

“We have to adjust the temperature to create the best chocolate, paying attention to the temperature outside and in the store,” said Ken.

Ken enjoys adding edible art to his bonbons, working on some raspberry-flavored pink-topped bonbons during this interview. While he mainly operates the store, the couple’s four children, Mike, 17, Ben, 16, Amelia, 13, and Charlie, 9, all help out.

Charlie even invited his third-grade class to the store.

“It’s funny, many people know us in Hudson, as Mike, Ben, Amelia and Charlie’s mom and dad, but they don’t necessarily know that it is us who opened Nona’s,” said Ken.

So far, he said, business has been good for Nona’s. In addition to in-store sales, the business also provides cocoa beans to local coffee shops and custom chocolates for events like bridal showers or weddings.

“We would really like to get more involved with the custom work,” shared Ken. “We want to be the go-to place for chocolates in Hudson.” ∞

Photo: Ken and Jessie Obert of Nona’s Hudson Crafted Confectionery make and sell confectionery treats out of their Evaporator Works storefront. Photos by M. Collins.