Police Beat

Information provided by the Richfield Police Department compiled by Ken Miles

On 271 SB, officers located a grey sedan parked in the left lane, lights off, engine running, female driver slouched back in the seat. After much banging on the window, the woman came to and attempted to drive off. She stepped on the gas but forgot to put it in gear. Plus, she failed to notice the police cruiser parked against her front bumper. Officers finally gained entry into to the car and extracted the woman. At the station, she refused to submit a breath sample so her driver’s license and plates were seized. She was charged, given a court date and released to her mother. Time 3:07 a.m.

A company on Congress Parkway had two business checks, totaling over $3,000, stolen from the mail, altered and presented for payment in Milwaukee, WI. The company subscribes to a “positive pay” fraud protection service so their bank refused to honor the checks when presented.

At midnight, a woman stopped on Aberdeen Way and flagged down an officer. She stated a drone followed her from her place of employment on Brecksville Road. Three times in the past 18 months she had reported the same incident. As they spoke, she pointed to the sky and identified the drone. The officer stated what they were observing was an airplane. The woman rejected an offer of a medical exam, became agitated, asked for a business card and departed.

The manager of a local bar called dispatch concerned about the well-being of an inebriated customer. The customer arrived in an advanced state of inebriation and the manager realized he needed help getting home and not another drink. An officer arranged for the man’s mother to pick him up. Because of the woman’s advanced age and the time of night, 2 a.m., an officer transported the man to a gas station on Rockside Rd. There he met with the mother and loaded her son into the mother’s car.

On 77 SB a car was clocked at 90 in a 60 mph zone. The driver claimed he was frustrated after having a bad night at the Jack Casino. Time 4:30 a.m.

A resident at a premier assisted living residence on Brecksville Rd. reported a theft. Her wallet, containing various ID cards and three prepaid Visa cards, was taken from her room while she was in the hospital. The woman was a victim of theft a year earlier where a staff member was arrested and charged. The executive director is conducting an internal investigation.

On Virginia Drive, a resident complained of an ongoing issue with the neighbor’s dog coming into his yard and menacing his family. In response, the neighbor erected a temporary fence, which the man said extended onto his property. The neighbor also called the man’s son a bad name. The neighbor denied the name calling, and declared the fence was on his property. He was informed the next incident with the dog could result in a dog off-leash ticket.

Dispatch received notification of possible threats at a residence on Crandall Avenue. All units were dispatched. The incident was deemed a false claim through a technique called swatting.

At a premier assisted living residence on Brecksville Road, officers responded to a request from the fire department to assist in dealing with an uncooperative staff member.

Meanwhile back at the motel:

A Hudson woman called to say her husband stole $200,000 in gold and a dress from her and was at a motel in Richfield. When contacted, the gentleman stated they had been married 40 years and when they argue he gets a room at the motel for a few days. Hudson police advised they are familiar with the couple.

A male attempted to evict his female companion because she failed to renew the room rental. When she refused to leave, he began tossing her belongings into the parking lot including a food processor, air fryer and the motel’s microwave. Alcohol was involved.

Officers responded to a verbal altercation and encountered a woman wandering the hall wearing only a top. Unable to find her pants, she arrived in the lobby wearing a blanket around her waist. Her 15-year-old sister, who was on probation, came out of hiding. The mother was contacted to pick up the 15 year old and she told the officer, “put her in jail.” A grandmother was located who would take responsibility. The one wearing the blanket located her boyfriend hiding out at the truck stop next door. Time 10:45 p.m.

Officers responded to a fight between a mother and her teenage son. The son was wearing his hoodie up, inside the building, much to his mother’s chagrin. She gave him a “shoulder check” to straighten him out. He responded by punching holes in the wall. It was discovered that the mother had a warrant out of Garfield Hts. The hotel manager wanted all individuals to vacate the property. The aunt left with the teenager and an officer left for Garfield Hts., with the mother.  Time 7:30 p.m. ∞