Bath Community Fund celebrates 10 years of giving

by Karen Nathan

Margaret Mead famously said, “Never doubt that a small group of concerned citizens can change the world.” In 2013, seven Bath couples set out to do just that in their own backyard, when they hatched a plan to start a community fund. Now, the Bath Community Fund is celebrating 10 years of giving back to the Bath Township community and planning for the future.

Bath Community Fund was officially founded on June 17, 2014. Its mission is to make a measurable impact on Bath by responding to community needs through support of the roughly 50 charitable organizations within Bath, or those serving Bath residents and the Revere School District. The Fund supports local arts and culture, community needs through social services and area youth programs. BCF also works to preserve Bath’s environmental and historical legacy.

In the past 10 years, a wide range of area nonprofits have benefited from BCF’s support, among those are Hale Farm & Village, Western Reserve Playhouse, the Battered Women’s Shelter, Stewart’s Caring Place, Victory Gallop, Girls on the Run, the Bath Park Board, Crown Point Ecology Center and the University of Akron Field Station.

“People truly believe everyone in Bath is wealthy and has no need,” said Kathy Sidaway, one of the BCF founders.

Ten percent of Revere students are on free or reduced-fee lunch. When, for example, families can’t afford instruments, prom dresses or fees for school trips, they turn to The Heart of Revere, which helps Revere students with needs like clothing, school event tickets and even toiletries. The Heart of Revere and similar nonprofits turn to the Bath Community Fund for financial support.

BCF founders determined the best way to realize their dream of a community fund was to establish an endowment fund within the Akron Community Foundation. ACF holds the 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, invests the money and manages the taxes. ACF staff also initially vets the grant applications. With ACF handling the administrative tasks, BCF board members can devote all of their time to evaluating grant proposals.

Rev. Mark Frey presently leads the board of nine community members. Twenty volunteers currently serve on committees. “When you have strong volunteers and a nonprofit community, you have a strong community,” said Frey.

Since its inception, Bath Community Fund has grown to an endowment of $1.3 million, which presently allows it to make $50,000 in grants annually to the community. In the last eight grant cycles, the Fund has awarded 108 grants to area nonprofits, totaling more than $250,000, according to Sidaway, Frey and Jody Konstand, another founder.

“People love the Bath community. It is a unique place to live, work and play,” said Konstand. Sidaway described Konstand as the “guiding light and driving force” of Bath Community Fund.

“Being able to do something beyond my driveway and my street has been the greatest joy and honor of my life,” said Konstand.

For the 10th anniversary year, Konstand, Sidaway and Frey hope to inspire the next generation of Bath residents to get involved and contribute to BCF. The ultimate goal is to grow the endowment to $2 million, which would provide $100,000 in grants per year. The immediate task is to raise $400,000 between now and June 17, 2025.

The BCF does not host galas or other fundraisers. Instead, BCF volunteers and board members introduce the Fund to the community through small, home gatherings. Sidaway said someone will host half a dozen friends, and then share information about BCF and the need within the township. Talking to one donor at a time gets the word out, according to Konstand, and it keeps expenses low, because the goal is for all money raised to support the nonprofits.

BCF will kick off its 10th anniversary year with a celebration at its annual meeting on Thursday, Aug. 15, at 5:30 p.m. at Crown Point Ecology Center. Community members are encouraged to attend. Register for the meeting here. ∞

Campers at Victory Gallop celebrated Bath Community Fund’s anniversary with mini-horses Willie Nelson and Norman. Photo submitted.

On our cover (photo): Board members of the Bath Community Fund celebrate the nonprofit’s 10th anniversary. Since its inception in June 2014, BCF has grown to an endowment of $1.3 million to support community nonprofits. Photo submitted