Letter to the Editor
To the Editor:
The bittersweet time has come to say farewell. My family and I are moving to DC. I’ve enjoyed this chapter. Few have the honor of participating in American democracy as Brecksville has afforded me. It has grown my patriotism. My campaigns were unsuccessful, but in countless ways the best ideas did seep through. Almost all came from listening to you.
Use your voice with elected officials. They listen more than they let on. Keep the discourse alive, especially when there is disagreement. Tell them when they’re falling short. Praise when warranted. They need to hear both.
I encourage anyone who considers running for office to do so. Win or lose, it is as rewarding as it is challenging. Seek counsel from those who came before you. I will happily take your call.
To supporters and Symposium fans: Thank You! Every time you’ve reached out (or sought help) was an honor.
To critics: Thanks for hearing me out. I appreciate your shared respect for the democratic process. Grace in both victory and defeat is the backbone of our democracy. I pray come November winners of our federal elections possess the grace to make every American feel seen, heard, and valued. I pray that the losing side finds the humility to accept it, knowing that doesn’t mean America is doomed. No party wins every time. That is not how democracy works. The swing of the pendulum keeps us anchored.
To all: when in DC please reach out. It would be a joy to show you around the spots locals love.
So long and thanks for all the memories!
Wishing Brecksville the Best,
Steve Schadler
8980 Cinnabar Drive