Could This Be Causing Your Headaches?
by Dr. Andrew T. Brady, Chiropractic Physician
Roughly 45 million Americans suffer from chronic headaches. According to some reports, recurring headaches occur in up to as many as 75% of adolescents and 25% of younger children. Although headaches can have many different causes, one common and often overlooked cause is a straight or reversed neck curve.
We are seeing a significant increase in the reversed neck curves of children and adults because of the lifestyles and traumas people are subjected to in their daily lives, such as sitting at a desk staring at a computer monitor all day, looking down at a laptop, texting, reading, car accidents, sports, birth trauma, writing, etc. Holding the head in a downward position over a period of time causes the neck joints to become locked and dysfunctional. This is typically not something that is felt immediately, but over time, the dysfunctional spinal joints can begin to degenerate, causing the neck to straighten and eventually resulting in a reversed neck curve.
When the neck begins to straighten, the muscles on either side of the spine tighten in order to stabilize the neck. This causes interruptions in the blood flow going to and from your brain. If caught early enough, this can usually be corrected and the dysfunction can be restored with a chiropractic adjustment. But, as with most health issues, early detection is very important. The degenerative process is a lot like heart disease – people don’t usually feel the plaque building up in their arteries until it’s too late and they have a heart attack. Similarly, by the time people experience symptoms of degeneration in their neck, it is often too late and the disc is too far gone.
I’ve seen patients who were taking up to three different medications per day to prevent headaches, no longer need to take any after the cause of their headaches was corrected. If you are experiencing recurrent headaches, consider getting evaluated by a chiropractic physician to rule out this increasingly common condition. It may seem easier to take a pill now, but later you may suffer with more than just headaches if you don’t address the cause.

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