Township Corner by Trustee Don Laubacher
It has been confirmed that a tornado touched down in Northeast Richfield Township on Aug. 6, doing considerable damage on Columbia Road.
We are fortunate that no one was hurt and that most buildings were unscathed. Many large trees were lost, and the clean up was substantial. Thanks to the residents for pitching in, and for their patience. And special thanks to the Summit County Engineering Department for spending three days chipping and removing debris.
After 25 years of excellence and dedication, our Service Department Foreman Jerry Schall will retire on Nov. 27. We will promote Assistant Foreman Don Rentz to Jerry’s position, and are actively seeking applicants to work in our service department. Congratulations, Jerry, you have left an indelible mark on our township, and we will miss you.
Our land-use plan expires in 2025, and we will use a consulting firm to help us manage the process of creating a new one. We have two excellent finalists and will pick one soon. We will then choose a committee that will work on the plan in 2025.
Thank you
Thank you to the Kiwanis Club of Bath-Richfield for managing and hosting Richfield Community Day on Aug. 11. The day was as fantastic as the day’s weather, and the involvement of so many in the community was special.
Contacting me
Please contact me at, or visit me at the township office on the last Friday of each month from 9 – 11 a.m. ∞