Resident ‘submerges’ herself in writing debut novel

by Michele Collins

Author Chloe Briggs has just finished her first book, a fictional story that follows a woman from her teen years throughout her life, touching on issues like mental health, addiction and mystery. It also includes the hunt for a missing child.

“Submerged” has garnered high reviews from its first group of readers, earning five stars on Amazon and 4.3 stars on the reading community site Goodreads. But getting to the finished product – a 208-page book – was a labor of love for this Sagamore Hills resident, who also holds down a full- time job in medical coding, and is the mother of three daughters.

Briggs said it took her a few years to complete the book, ending the process with a three-day retreat in a one-room cabin where she put the final words of the book on paper.

“It was glorious to just be there by myself and to just get to write for three straight days,” said the author. “I was so happy to finish it.”

Although she has enjoyed writing throughout her life, Briggs mostly did it as a hobby.

“But then I became so involved with the story and characters for ‘Submerged,’ that I wanted to share it with more people,” she said.

Briggs self-published the book through Amazon publishing, but then went through the process for it to be available in bookstores throughout the country.

It was published this past June, and now “Submerged” can be purchased through Amazon or online booksellers and is also in The Learned Owl Bookstore in Hudson.

“I really am just starting the process of getting the word out about the book, and working through all that comes with being a first-time author,” Briggs said.

While promoting her first book, she has also started writing not one, but two others.

“One of the books I am currently working on is a little darker in subject, so I balance it with the other book I am writing, which is a little lighter and more humorous,” she shared. “Sometimes I will take a break from the one book to write the other.”

With all of her responsibilities, Briggs said she has found the early morning, like 4 a.m. to 5 a.m., to be a perfect time for writing.

“I read a reading guide that said you should try and write 1,000 words per day,” she said. “I get up before everyone else, and with a cup of coffee by my side, I start writing.”

One silver lining of becoming a book author is the reception she has received from family and friends.

“I guess the biggest surprise for me was the love and support I received from my family members and friends. They were just so positive, and so proud of me for doing this,” she said.

Brigg’s 17-year-old daughter even helps her with the Tik Tok account dedicated to her books.

“It’s a very compelling story, my 17-year-old has read it as well, and my readers say it just really brings them into the story, makes them want to continue to read to the end,” said Briggs. “There is also a plot twist that they have talked about, that really surprises them.”

If you are awake at 4 a.m., you might just see your Sagamore neighbor’s light on, where Chloe Briggs will be hard at work on her next two books. ∞

Photo: Chloe Briggs finished her debut novel, “Submerged.” Photo submitted.