Oh what fun it is to spend a day with Cops and Klaus

By: Chris Studor

Playing tag with police officers, visiting with Santa, face painting and opening lots of presents were just a part of a wonderful day for 17 children who were guests of the Hinckley Police Association’s annual Cops, Kids and Claus event Dec. 14. 

Hinckley Police Officer Jared Singleton gets his face painted just like several of the youngsters who attended the event. Photos by Chris Studor. 

The day began with a warm breakfast in the former fire station bay area. Organizers, including Hinckley Police Chief Dave Centner, Officer Jim Ascherl and their helpers, prepared a delicious breakfast of pancakes, sausage, bacon and juice for their young guests. 

Ascherl said the names of the children were provided by Hinckley Elementary to include “children who could use a little something extra in their everyday lives.” Ascherl’s wife, and township Trustee Monique Ascherl said preparations included asking each child for a list of gifts they wanted so they would be ready and waiting for the children to open that morning.

The officers and volunteers turned the bay area into a winter wonderland with inflatable Christmas figures. There was a special corner for visits with Santa and tables were decorated with holiday treats. Among the activities was a craft station, a balloon artist and a face-painting station. Calling her station, “Enchanted Roo by Eva,” children and adults lined up to have their faces changed into elves, Santas, fairies and super heroes. Officer after officer proved what great sports they were by stepping into the artist’s chair to be transformed into some mystical creature.

Jim Ascherl spoke of the generosity of those who donated to make the event possible and shared a touching story.

“One of the children lost their violin,” he said. “We asked Royalton Music if they could help us out on the price of replacing it. Royalton Music covered the entire cost. Workers at Aldi prepared and donated  food baskets for each child’s family, including a turkey with all the fixings for a Christmas dinner. The Hinckley Women’s Club donated gloves and hats for each child.”The children spent the entire morning with members of the Hinckley Police Department getting to know one another and forming bonds of friendship. Toward the end of the event, children and officers alike gathered for a photo filled with happy smiling faces. 

photo caption: Santa makes sure to visit with all the children to see what is on their Christmas list this year. Photo by Chris Studor