Brecksville Road resurfacing extended
by Melissa Martin
City officials announced late last month that the third and final phase of the Brecksville Road resurfacing project has been postponed a year and will not be complete until 2027. The affected portion of the roadway, which is located between state Route 82 and Miller Road, was originally expected to be finished in 2026.
City Engineer Gerry Wise said the delay stems from construction at Valor Acres, which he said is behind schedule. Waiting another year will allow construction traffic to continue to use the existing roadway surface before replacing it.
The majority of the $22.3 million project’s first phase, which extended from Miller Road to the city’s southern corporation line, was completed this fall. The project was expected to wrap up in October, however, the city granted the contractor, CATTS Construction Inc., 20 additional days to finish the project.
Wise told council in November that project costs rose this past summer to the tune of $100,000 following change orders, which not only included the use of more expensive electronic signage but additional costs to remedy stormwater issues near the city’s south end.
As a result of the change orders, Wise said the city was also forced to pay an additional $15,000 in fees to the construction manager, raising that expense to more than $160,000.
To help fund the first phase of the project, which involves removing and replacing more than 2 inches of asphalt, constructing new sidewalks and repairing curbs and several sections of road base, the city received a $1.1 million grant from the Ohio Department of Transportation’s Urban Paving Program.
The second phase of the project is expected to begin in June and will involve the resurfacing of Brecksville Road from the intersection of Royalton Road to the city’s northern limit. In addition to the resurfacing of the roadway, the project will ensure ADA curb ramp compliance at public intersections.
Wise said the project will be constructed in a manner that will maintain two-way traffic at all times throughout the second phase of construction, which is expected to wrap up in October.