Local groups offer scholarships 

Richfield Chamber of Commerce

The Richfield Chamber of Commerce will offer two, $1,200 scholarships to graduating seniors living in the Revere school district who plan to continue their education at any college, trade school or technical school. Students can obtain an application at the Revere High guidance office or at richfieldchamber.com. The deadline to apply is April 10. 

Officer Vincent R. Celebrezze Memorial Scholarship

A $1,000 Officer Vincent R. Celebrezze Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a Revere graduating senior. Applicants for the scholarship must maintain a minimum 3.25 GPA. Financial need will not be the determining factor, but it will be considered. Applicants planning to pursue degrees in law or criminal justice will be given preference in the selection process.

Vincent Celebrezze was a Richfield police officer and had a passion for helping others. Applications for the scholarship are available at the Revere High School guidance office. The deadline to apply is April 12.

Richfield Historical Society

The Richfield Historical Society is offering a $500 scholarship to one graduating senior who is a Richfield resident or who volunteers at the Richfield Historical Society Museum, has demonstrated an interest in history and promotes curiosity about it. Contact the Revere guidance office or email kls1650@roadrunner.com for an application. The deadline is April 11.

Richfield Civic Organization

The Richfield Civic Organization is offering a $500 scholarship to one Richfield resident who is graduating from high school in the spring. This award is based on service in the community, school or church performed during the past four years. The application is available at richfieldcivicorganization.org, through the Revere guidance office, or by emailing richfieldcivicorganization@gmail.com. The deadline is April 11.

Bath Volunteers for Service

Bath Volunteers for Service will award at least two, $1,000 merit awards to graduating seniors who have demonstrated volunteer service as an integral part of their lives. Applicants must live in the Revere Local School District and attend an area high school or a certified home program. Applications are available from each high school’s guidance office or on the BVS website, bathvolunteersforservice.com and must be postmarked or submitted online by Revere students through the Naviance account by April 1.

BVS will also award a $1,500 annual tuition grant for up to four consecutive years to a graduating Revere senior to attend an accredited college, university, trade or vocational school as a full-time student. The award is primarily based on verified financial need. The grant application must be made on the Revere High School scholarship form and submitted by April 1. 

Revere PTSA, Council of PTAs

The Revere High School PTSA and Revere Council of PTAs are each offering two, $500 scholarships to students graduating from Revere and planning to attend a two or four-year college, technical or trade school. Both are based on service and volunteer commitments at school or in the community. Students can apply for both scholarships with one application, but can be awarded only one. For the PTSA scholarship, the applicant, parent or guardian must be a current member of the Revere High PTSA as of Nov. 30, 2024. For the Revere Council of PTAs scholarship, the applicant, parent or guardian must be a current member of any Revere PTA as of Nov. 30, 2024. Apply electronically through SchooLinks by 5 p.m. on April 2. For more information, email rhsptsapresident@gmail.com or councilpresident@reverepta.com.

AMVETS, Ladies Auxiliary and Sons of Amvets

Amvets Post 176 is offering a total of six scholarships to any qualifying, graduating senior in Summit County. The AMVETS will offer two, $1000 scholarships; the Ladies Auxiliary will award two, $1,000 scholarships; and the Sons of AMVETS will award two, $1,500 scholarships. The deadline to apply is April 16. Applications may be picked up at AMVETS Post 176, 3944 Wheatley Rd., Richfield, during business hours. 

Revere Community C.A.R.E.

Revere Community C.A.R.E. is offering a $500 scholarship to one graduating senior who best demonstrates that he/she has been a positive role model to his/her peers and who has carried out C.A.R.E.’s mission statement to live a drug-free and alcohol-free life. The application is available through the Revere guidance office, at revereschools.org/community/partner-organizations or by emailing kls1650@roadrunner.com. The deadline is April 11. 

Friends of Richfield Library

The Friends of the Richfield Library will award one, $1,000 scholarship to a graduating senior, including home-schooled students, residing in the Revere Local School District. Strong consideration will be given to students who have volunteered at the library. The scholarship application will be available after March 14 on the Revere Local Schools website and at the library.