PTAs recognize educators and volunteers 

Revere Council of PTAs selected fourth-grade teacher Michelle George to receive its 2024-2025 Outstanding District Educator Award. Criteria for the award include making a positive impact on the lives of children, dedication to the mission of the PTA, and PTA involvement or support. Bath Elementary PTA submitted George’s name. 

Council chose Tricia Steiner as its 2024- 2025 Helping Hands Award recipient. This annual award is presented to a PTA member/volunteer who has worked diligently on behalf of children. The criteria for the award include involvement and support of the PTA, making a positive impact on the lives of children, participating in activities involving children, and being dedicated to the mission and purposes of the PTA. Revere High School PTSA submitted Steiner’s name. 

Additional individual school PTA Helping Hands Award recipients are: Diane Pallotta and Bob Pallotta, Richfield Elementary School; Elizabeth Hinkle and Annie Scavuzzo, Bath Elementary School; Amy Baker and Jennifer Kuzas, Revere Middle School; and Tenisha Farrow, Revere High School. 

The Council of PTAS recognized the following as additional outstanding educators: Emma Imrie, Richfield Elementary School; Kevin Verde, Revere Middle School: and Doug Faris, Revere High School. 

The award recipients will be recognized at Revere Council’s May 12 Spring Luncheon.