Talk of the Town

By Patty Reman

No matter the unpredictable skies, temperature or precipitation we may experience this month in NEO, March holds the promise of the vernal equinox on March 20. Welcome, Spring!

With the change of seasons comes a refresh as nature around us begins to resurface, bloom and spread lots of botanical color into our world.

There’s not a better time of year to think about flowers and how readily they can spread kindness and cheer. Did you know there’s a local nonprofit organization that could use your help all year long to share floral beauty and lift the spirits with others?

BigHearted Blooms, led by Sue Buddenbaum, is looking to grow its pick-up and delivery volunteer teams in Summit County, specifically Hudson and Twinsburg. BHB collects floral leftovers from weddings or events that might otherwise be thrown away, rearranges them into new bouquets and then delivers them primarily to people in underserved care centers in Cleveland.

“We have several floral donation partners in Hudson and Twinsburg that we pick up from regularly, including the Heinen’s stores, The Red Twig, Dupree Florals, and wedding and corporate event floral pickups at event centers,” Sue told Talk of the Town.

Kelly Norville, owner of Hudson-based Dupree Florals, has been donating excess flowers and vases to BHB for about five years.

“Flowers are such a simple way to encourage someone who needs some cheer. If I can be a small part of the bigger picture, then I am happy to help,” said Kelly.

Volunteers – for deliveries or floral arranging – need no special skills and training is “on the job.” Sign up to do as little or as much as you like! If you can help BigHearted Blooms in Hudson and surrounding communities (mostly during the weekday), send Sue an email to For more info on other volunteer opportunities, including vase and jar collection, visit

Congrats to Jeff Klemm, son of Greg and Pam Klemm of Hudson, whose debut album, “Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful,” recently earned the World Entertainment Award for best children’s album. Jeff traveled to Hollywood to accept the award and was invited to attend the Grammys as a newly inducted member of the recording academy.

“It was pretty surreal,” said the Cuyahoga Falls resident who now goes by the stage name, Mr. Jeff. Jeff was a touring musician for many years and said he “needed a change of pace” when his son, Silas, was born. He turned to children’s music and teaching preschool at the Mandel Early Childhood Education Center at Shaw JCC (Jewish Community Center) of Akron.

Being a children’s musician, Jeff enjoys and strives to “bring families together with a super fun, interactive time of music that is silly, fun and original.

“I’m also trying to be who I needed when I was a kid. To be a role model for these kids is the best job I’ve ever had,” he said.

He and his wife, Jillian, who is a high school teacher in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, have three children: SilasJuniper and Jonah.

Jeff’s parents have been a part of Hudson for more than 20 years, and his siblings – Andrew (a.k.a. musician Drew Louis) and Madeline Klemm and Alex Stebbins – all attended Hudson schools from kindergarten through 12thgrade. 

Congrats, “Mr. Jeff!” To find out more, visit

Rhys Thomas, photo submitted

Akron Children’s Hospital has a new TV series for kids and by kids. One of the cohosts is Rhys Thomas, a seventh-grader at Hudson Middle School. Rhys beat out about 20 applicants for the new show, More Childhood Please, which consists of four episodes this year. He said the idea behind the show is, “to get kids to see the world around them more and take charge of their own health.” Topics of the episodes include screen time, outdoor activities, youth sports and emotions and feelings. Rhys said the show is fun to watch, and the best part of co-hosting the show is, “making an impact on other kids’ lives.” He said each 60-minute episode took about 10 hours of rehearsal and recording time.

“I love being on TV, and I do ballet, which kind of helps. I don’t get stage fright,” he said. “The show is very positive and happy.”

Rhys and his brothers, Ethan and Cai, all have enjoyed being a part of Hudson Boy Scout Troop 321 since moving to Hudson in 2020. The Thomas brothers also attend Hudson schools with their cousins, James, Mia and Alice South, whose parents are Drs. Andy and Mary South. Rhys mom Melissa said, “we have really enjoyed the support of our Scouting families and teachers in the Hudson City Schools.”

Look for Rhys and his cohost, Lily Goodwin from South Euclid, on YouTube or at looking for those signs of spring out there and remember to send us news about your family and friends,, so we can share it with your Hudson neighbors. 

Photo Caption: Jeff, “Mr Jeff” Klemm photo submitted