Trustees Corner
We have been busy buzzards this past month installing our new electronic sign, changing trash haulers and updating the interior to town hall.
Perhaps you noticed the new electronic sign recently added to the center of town. This replaces the old manual sign previously located at the historical building. The electronic sign will be easier for township personnel to update and ensures information relevant township news is communicated as quickly as possible.
We have successfully transitioned from Kimble to Rumpke in the last month. If anyone is still waiting for their Kimble cans to be picked up, please contact Kimble at 800-201-0005. Initial Rumpke bills should be sent out the first week of March for the first quarter of service (February, March, April). The second bills will be sent in April; this is for the second quarter of service (May, June, July). As an FYI, billing is in advance of service, so it will feel like this is back-to-back; it is not.
We are preparing our first quarterly newsletter to be sent out electronically in April. If you are not yet registered to receive the electronic newsletters, please visit our website at to register. A hard copy of the annual newsletter will still be delivered in October; quarterly updates are only available via email.
You will notice changes to the interior of town hall over the next several months. We have been planning updates to the interior of the building for many years and we are happy to report the updates will be completed prior to our bicentennial celebration this summer.
We look forward to celebrating Buzzard Day with you all at the Hinckley Preparatory Academy this month. And, looking ahead to warmer weather, if you are interested in participating in our Memorial Day Parade, please email