Mayor’s Corner

It is very unfortunate that a large number of trees and bushes are being cut down along I-77 and I-271. Neither I, nor my administration, had any warning that they were to be cut. ODOT is removing them to repair and replace their fencing that exists in the road right-of-way. My staff and I and state Rep. Bill Roemer have been in touch with ODOT regarding this issue. They have indicated to us and several residents that they have the right to remove the trees, which they do, and that they have no plans to replace the trees. I will be pursuing this matter along with Rep. Roemer to request replacements where trees were removed.

As many know, trees act as a sound and sight buffer between the neighborhoods and the freeways. ODOT denied, and has continued to deny, the request to install sound barriers along the freeways that are adjacent to neighborhoods. My point to ODOT will be that it is very inexpensive to replace the trees compared to the cost of sound walls.FirstEnergy Corp.’s Ohio electric companies have filed a proposed Electric Security Plan with the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio that supports their commitment to investing in and maintaining the electric grid. The ESP plan preserves the ability for customers to select their own energy supplier and maintains an auction process. It includes provisions to enable the enhanced tree-trimming program and energy efficiency programs for residential customers, including a smart thermostat rebate program, a low-income energy efficiency program and payment assistance to low-income and senior citizens. If you have question, concerns or comments, please contact me, or my executive assistant, at 330-659-9201, ext. 234, or email me at