BBH Schools Foundation fundraiser nets $30,000
Submitted by Denise Gawlik
Over 100 community members attended Brecksville-Broadview Heights Schools Foundation’s annual fundraiser, “A Toast to Our Future.”
This year, the Schools Foundation moved the event to Michael Angelo’s Winery in Richfield and raised a post-covid record of more than $30,000.
All proceeds from the event benefit the Schools Foundation’s classroom grant enrichment program.
Previous grant recipients, BBH High School environmental science teacher Brady Bourquin and BBH Middle School health and physical education teacher Dayna Daltorio, both spoke during the evening regarding the importance of the grant program and how they used their grant proceeds to enhance BBH students’ classroom experiences. Attendees also heard from Schools Foundation President Brittany Wigman and enjoyed music from Prima Corda, a string quartet comprised of BBH high school sophomores Marko Laszlo, Cole Hileman, James Carson and Victor Mizak.Several items sold during the event’s auction raised over $1,000 for the Schools Foundation. These items included a braces package donated by Sullivan Orthodontics; a ride along in a fire truck during the Brecksville Memorial Day parade and lunch with Brecksville Mayor Daryl Kingston; naming rights to the three interior streets located on the BBH Middle School/High School campus off Mill Road; and premium seats to BBH High School’s 2025 Commencement ceremony at Playhouse Square.
Photo caption: Members of the Brecksville-Broadview Heights Schools Foundation raise money to fund the district’s classroom grant enrichment program. Photo submitted.