Composting basics: A simple and effective way to enrich your soil
by Judy Stringer
Homeowners can unlock the secret to richer lawns and gardens by composting kitchen scraps. Erica Matheny, an environmental educator and executive director at Tinker’s Creek Watershed Partners, explains how easy it is to create this valuable resource at home.
What is compost?
Compost is the result of a biological process where microorganisms like bacteria and fungi break down organic waste. This process requires a balance of “greens” (nitrogen-rich materials like food scraps) and “browns” (carbon-rich materials like leaves and twigs), along with adequate moisture and oxygen. The microorganisms consume these materials, generating heat and transforming them into a dark, crumbly substance that can then be spread on lawns and blended into gardens and potted plants.
“It’s a great resource for replenishing the nutrients in your soil using things you already have and eliminating the need to buy chemical fertilizers.” Matheny said.
What do I need?
While it’s possible to create compost piles in a backyard, Matheny recommends composting in fully enclosed bins for homes in urban and more densely populated areas. Along with the compost bin (D.I.Y. or store bought), you will need a pitchfork (unless you’re using a tumbler bin that can be rotated), a source of water and a ready supply of leaves, twigs, straw or other carbon-rich material.
What do I put in the bin?
Fill your bin with fresh vegetable and fruit scraps as your greens. Don’t include meat, dairy, greasy/oily or cooked foods as they will attract rodents and create odors. (See The Institute for Local Self-Reliance graphic). When it comes to adding the “browns,” one rule of thumb is to mix two to three parts of brown materials to one part of green materials.
Also, don’t forget to add water. The initial compost pile should have a moisture consistency of a sponge, according to Matheny. If you squeeze a handful, a few drops of water should appear between your knuckles like wringing a sponge.
What else do I do?
When it comes to maintaining compost, you can do as much or as little as you like. Mixing the contents – with the pitchfork for a stationary bin or by turning a tumbler – provides oxygen for microbial activity and helps speed up the decomposition process. Generally speaking, mixing once a week is recommended to maintain optimal temperatures and aeration. For rapid composting, aim for mixing every couple of days.
“You don’t really have to do any turning if you don’t want to, but it may take a couple of years for the materials to turn into compost,” Matheny said.
When will it be ready to use?
If you’ve mixed the bin once a week, maintained a good ratio of “greens” to “browns” while adding scraps and kept the materials moist, Matheny estimates your compost will be ready to harvest in about six months.
“It will start to look black,” she said. “Or if you have really good compost, it gets hot during the process of decomposition, and when the temperature cools back down, that’s another indicator it’s ready.” So, don’t be intimidated. Composting is easier than you think, and the rewards are well worth it.