County introduces taxpayer assistance program 

Cuyahoga County Executive Chris Ronayne joined County Treasurer Brad Cromes to introduce the Cuyahoga County Taxpayer Assistance Program. 

The program will operate in partnership with CHN Housing Partners, and is designed to provide up to $10,000 in one-time direct assistance to qualified county taxpayers ages 70 or older with an active delinquency. 

In addition to providing direct assistance, the Taxpayer Assistance Program will fund housing counseling services to help to ensure recipients are given tools they need to catch up on their taxes and make informed housing choices going forward. 

The county teasurer’s office will fund the pilot program through the county’s Delinquent Tax & Assessment Collection Fund, with an initial allocation of $2.5 million per year for two years. Funding is allocated annually as $2 million per year in direct taxpayer assistance, and $500,000 per year for housing counseling services. 

To get started, applicants should complete an online interest form to save their place in line. Applicants can also contact the treasurer’s office at 216-443-7400 (Option 1) or email treascomment@ 

Applicants will be asked to provide proof of residence, income, and household membership qualification. 

CHN Housing Partners will process applications on a first-come, first-served basis. Additional screening criteria may apply and will be detailed in application materials. Assistance is available one time per household. Applicants who have received prior assistance from the Ohio Housing Finance Agency’s Utility Assistance Plus program (administered locally by CHN Housing Partners) are not eligible for further assistance under this program. 

Cuyahoga County is actively seeking partnership opportunities to grow this pilot program and make the Taxpayer Assistance Program sustainable for the future. If you are interested in partnering with the county, please contact Treasurer Brad Cromes at bcromes@cuyahogacounty. us.