Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

I am a parent of two children who attend the Nordonia Hills School District. I urge all residents, including our valued seniors, to vote YES on the upcoming school levy on May 6. While I understand the concerns of those on fixed incomes, I believe this levy is a critical investment in our community.

Year after year, my children have had wonderful experiences in the Nordonia schools. They have been challenged and supported by dedicated teachers that have gone above and beyond for them. They have access to extracurricular activities where they have formed friendships and gained confidence. They have the curriculum available that will help develop the skills needed to succeed in an ever-changing world. These kids are doing really amazing things, but this level of education is not a given and it requires investment. 

Nordoniatogether.com is a great source of information about the levy including all the frequently asked questions and contacts for more information. I urge you to visit and learn how and why this levy is so important to the Nordonia community.

This levy is not about extravagant spending, but maintaining the quality education our children currently receive and deserve. Please vote YES on the Nordonia school levy on May 6 so we can ensure our community continues to thrive. Go Knights!

Shelly Bodnovich

Nesbitt Rd