Mayor’s Corner

Thankfully, I think we can finally say that spring is arriving in Broadview Heights. I feel like we had snow on the ground consistently for the better part of four months, but it seems like winter has decided to move on.

March has been an exciting time for our community. Lots of good things are happening! First, I’d like to congratulate the Brecksville-Broadview Heights gymnastics team for its 22nd consecutive year as the OHSAA State Champions. The team was started nearly three decades ago by Ron Ganim, a highly respected former BBH teacher, and his beloved wife, Joan. Since Ron’s passing and Joan’s retirement, their daughter, Maria Schneider (also a BBH teacher), has taken over this legendary program. During Maria’s tenure as the Bees coach, her team’s winning streak is unbroken. This latest win is the 26th overall championship for this gymnastic dynasty. 

I have known Maria for over two decades, spending countless hours together with student groups during the annual 8th grade Washington D.C. trips. Each year, she and I were lucky enough to travel together on the same bus as we visited Gettysburg, Arlington National Cemetery, the Holocaust Museum and many other national landmarks. From the moment I met Maria, I could see why she chose to follow in her dad’s footsteps and become a teacher. She is a person who sees endless possibilities with each student she meets, whether it is at the middle school or at Gymnastics World. Her positive outlook and “can do” attitude are infectious. 

Maria also seems to have endless energy as she champions awareness and fundraising activities to combat cancer. In our school district, we have sadly lost many students to this horrible disease, but Maria has found a way to turn sadness into activism through her belief that good deeds start with a single act by a single person. She is that person. I am proud to call her my dear friend, and I congratulate the entire Bees gymnastics team on another successful year! 

Recently, Fire Chief Jeff Hajek and I were honored to be invited to Goddard School to present a proclamation to one of its teachers, Mia Baker, who saved the life of a preschooler after the child suffered a seizure and stopped breathing. Mia quickly jumped into action and started CPR while the school’s staff, led by Kyle Thomas, activated their emergency protocols. Through the calm actions of the entire staff, and the support of our BVH first responders, I am happy to report that the student has made a full recovery! I’d like to announce another accolade bestowed upon Broadview Heights. Recently, we achieved the 17th spot on the top-25 list of best suburbs to live in the Cleveland area. The article stated that our community offers “residents a peaceful suburban lifestyle with excellent amenities. The city maintains several parks and recreational facilities, including the Community and Recreation Center.” The article went on to say that we maintain “a strong sense of community through various annual events and festivals. Local favorites include the Home Days celebration and summer concerts at the amphitheater.” And it comes as no surprise to our residents, “Safety ranks as a top priority in Broadview Heights, with crime rates significantly lower than national averages. The suburb’s population of approximately 19,000 enjoys well-maintained streets and responsive city services.” Thank you to everyone who continues to make Broadview Heights a great place to live, work, and raise a family.