Township purchases fire truck

by Laura Bednar

Feb. 18 special board of trustees meeting

Sagamore Hills trustees approved the purchase of a fire truck from Atlantic Emergency Solutions for a cost not to exceed $665,000. 

Trustee David DePasquale said Sagamore’s current fire truck is 24 years old and Fire Chief Brian Ripley said it needs major repairs. Trustees saw an Atlantic Emergency Solutions fire truck displayed during a trade show at the Ohio Township Association conference in Columbus in January. It was brought to Sagamore Hills for firefighters to test drive before making the final purchase.

Trustee Paul Schweikert said the truck is not customized but holds as much water as the previous truck, 1,000 gallons. He said a customized truck would take three to four years to deliver, whereas the township can take possession of the truck from the conference immediately.

The cost includes equipment, outfitting and modifications, such as additional emergency lights. Trustee John Zaccardelli said a new customized truck would cost over $1 million.

The truck is a 152-inch Pierce pumper. DePasquale said there are Pierce service stations in Macedonia and a 24/7 station in Canton for repairs.

Trustees approved splitting the cost of the truck among the capital equipment fund ($250,000), general fund ($200,000) and fire fund ($215,000).Sagamore will sell the old truck on GovDeals, an online marketplace for governments to auction off equipment, and use the proceeds toward the cost of the new truck. The truck will be housed at the fire station in Sagamore Hills Park.