The Grapevine
by Kathleen Steele Gaivin
Tessa Puma is growing by leaps and bounds. She has a new prosthetic leg to match her body’s growth. The youngster continues to exceed expectations, as she learns to function on a larger leg. Tessa lost part of her leg in 2017 due to an infection.
Nordonia schools have received numerous generous donations to get the school year off to a good start with safety protocols in place. Individuals and organizations stepped up to build picnic tables for outdoor classroom spaces. Girl Scout Troop 90383, for example, purchased three picnic tables. They delivered one table each to Lee Eaton Elementary, Nordonia Middle School and Nordonia High School. Gary Sutor, father of Nordonia graduate Rachel Sutor and Lowe’s general manager, donated masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, picnic tables and chairs for the schools’ outdoor learning spaces. Even Amazon got into the community spirit with a donation of 1,200 masks and gloves.
The National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association selected Nordonia High School Athletic Director Rob Eckenrode as its Merit Award winner for Ohio.
Congratulations to Nordonia High School senior golfer Quinn Buddenhagen for firing a one under par 73 to earn medalist honors at the Canfield Invitational.
Emily Kotnik graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology.
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Be safe and stay well, my friends.