Talk of the Town

As always, enjoy these wonderful stories about the fascinating people here in Hudson. Hudsonite Marion Copley lived through the Vietnam War and remembers clearly the refugees coming to our country. When she watched the news stories on the Afghan refugees coming to the area, she was determined to help in some way. Marion went to the Hudson Ohio Roundtable Facebook page and asked for anyone who could assist in helping the refugees coming to Cleveland and Akron. She was able to find about 10 helpers who lent their time and space. She created collections centers throughout town with the assistance of Sherif Monsaur.

“The stuff that was coming in was incredible,” Marion said. She also reached out to the International Institute of Akron to get a specific list of needed items and worked with them throughout the campaign. ”IIA was very grateful for all of the donations and were eventually unable to take anymore.”

That did not stop Marion. She found an additional organization called Building Hope. Community volunteers loaded up six SUVs to the brim and delivered the goods to assist refugees from nearly a dozen different countries through that nonprofit. 

“People just want a good life. We are all so blessed to be in America,” she said. As you can see, one person can make a difference. Way to go, Marion!

Happy 30th anniversary to Hudsonites Craig and Meledi Waters. Although they both had worked at Ernst & Whitney in New York City and played co-ed softball in Central Park, the couple met by chance after Craig had taken a different job with Merrill Lynch. They dated for four years and were married on Nov. 10, 1991. They honeymooned in Fiji and stopped in Hawaii and California to visit friends. They have settled in Hudson for 27 years and are the proud parents of three daughters and one son. Sara just married Dr. Cameron Sheehan last year July, Kate is finishing her nurse degree, Oleg works at a hardscaping company and Maddy will be graduating from the Ohio University soon and applying for veterinary school. Meldi’s recipe for staying married for 30 years?

“A good marriage isn’t about something you find. It is something you make. It is about loyalty and commitment through the greatest of times and, more importantly, the hardest of times,” she said.

Craig and Meledi Waters celebrated 30 years of marriage in November.

Kudos to David Falokun, who was named to the dean’s list at Miami University for the 2020-21 summer semester.

Just a quick jump back to Halloween because this photos is too good not to share. Amy Miklos of Ohio Organics snapped pics of many costumed visitors during the Merchants Trick-or-Treat event, including this little mouse, Mac Mooney.

Cute critter Mac Mooney didn’t let a little trap stop him from collecting candy during the Merchants Trick-or-Treat night.

OK, time to sharpen those pencils and be extra good. The North Pole Mailbox is standing in the center of town, across from Hudson’s Restaurant, as it magically appears every single year! We are so lucky to have the spirit of Christmas so strong here in Hudson! Remember to write your letter to Santa Claus and include a self-addressed stamped envelope. He can’t wait to hear from you!

Please share your good news at and make it an amazing day! ∞