Is Chiropractic What You’ve Been Searching For?
by Dr. Andrew T. Brady, Chiropractic Physician
Almost every month I see a new patient in my office who mentions how reluctant they were to “try a chiropractor.” Most recently, a new female patient mentioned that she heard one of my health talks and had been thinking about coming in to see me. Procrastination took its course and next thing she knew, a year had gone by and she still had not scheduled an appointment. Her reluctance made her default to conventional wisdom. She saw eight different specialists that year, and all of them had a new diagnosis and different pill for her. One night she stood in her bathroom looking at the eight medications the doctors wanted her to take, and she just felt like nothing was being fixed. It wasn’t until she couldn’t sleep for a week straight and was experiencing anxiety and the overwhelming feeling of chronic fatigue that she finally said “enough is enough” and decided to give chiropractic a whirl.
But let me rewind a bit. When I first met with this young lady, before I knew all of that, I asked her what brought her in. Despite having several health complaints (remember, I didn’t know at the time), she mentioned only one to me: mid-back pain. After examining her and looking at her x-rays, I had a feeling that she was experiencing way more than just mid back pain. Her full spine x-rays revealed a spinal misalignment in her mid- to low-back that was putting a significant amount of pressure on the nerves that controlled her gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and adrenal glands. I asked her if she had been experiencing any unexplained fatigue, headaches, or digestive problems lately; she looked at me and immediately burst into tears. She told me that over the last year she had been to all these different doctors and none of them could give her a good solid answer as to why she was feeling the way she was because all their tests came back fine. She even asked several of the specialists if she should see a chiropractic physician and only one agreed that it might be a good idea.
Now, I would love to tell you that I adjusted her one time and she was cured of all her problems, but that was not the case. In conjunction with correcting her misalignments and restoring nerve function, we also had to tweak a few lifestyle factors that were contributing to her problems, but the bottom line is that she no longer has anxiety, gastrointestinal problems, chronic fatigue, or headaches. She has restored her health.
Not every case I see is that great, and chiropractic might not be the answer to your health problems, but what I do know is that you are much healthier and better functioning with a properly aligned spine than with a misaligned one. Which do you have?
During the month of December, Spine Integrative Wellness is excited to be participating in collecting toys for Toys for Tots! If chiropractic might be what you or someone you know has been searching for, bring in a new toy donation for FREE first day services: consultation, x-rays (if needed), and examination ($230 value). Collection dates are December 1st to the 15th. Don’t let another year come to a close without embarking on the resolution of your health complaints and the restoration of your wellness!
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Spine Integrative Wellness
1340 Corporate Drive, Suite 300
Hudson, OH 44236
234-284-8002 SpineIntegrativeWellness.com
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