Hill replaces Christopher on Highland School board
by Chris Studor
Jan. 8 school board meeting
At Highland Local School District’s January organizational meeting, Todd Hill was sworn into office as the board’s newest member replacing Dr. Norman Christopher who retired last month having served 18 years on the board.
Hill is no stranger to the Highland School District and joins fellow board members who, coincidentally, are now all alumni of Highland High School.
Hill moved to Sharon Township in 1976. He and his wife, Erin, have two children: a daughter, Delaney, who is a junior at Long Island University studying musical theatre, and a son, Creed, who is a freshman attending Ohio University where he studies business and plays football.
Hill is active with the Highland Mat Club, also known as the district’s wrestling Boosters. For the past 16 years he has coached all age levels of wrestling in the Highland District and currently serves as the high school wrestling team coach.
He is employed as a sales representative for Chemical Solvents, Inc. of Cleveland.
“As a board member I want to serve the community in any way that I can,” said Hill. “I would like to help the district evolve with the times but maintain a small town feel.”
Also at the organizational meeting; board members re-elected Chris Wolny as board president and representative to the Ohio Student Achievement Board. Mike Houska was also re-elected as board vice-president and representative to the Medina County Career Center, and board member Missy Schreiner was named board representative to the Ohio School Board Association and liaison to the Highland Foundation.
Superintendent Catherine Auckerman announced that the month of January was Ohio School Board Members Recognition Month and, accordingly, each board member received a certificate of recognition.
“On behalf of the community, I would like to thank each board member for their leadership and commitment to the Highland District,” said Auckerman.
The regular board of education meeting followed the organizational meeting. Highland High School Principal, Carrie Knapp, presented the curriculum for the 2024-25 school year. She said there were only minor changes, noting the district made a number of changes the previous two years, especially in the area of Advanced Placement offerings. Knapp said some minor changes have been made, however, to the list of requirements for students to earn an honors diploma. ∞
Photo (above): Highland Board of Education members gathered for a photo at the board’s annual organizational meeting held Jan. 8. Todd Hill, (front left) was appointed to the board to fill the vacancy left by Dr. Norman Christopher who retired after 18 years of service. Also pictured are board members Missy Schreiner, (back) Bob Kelly, Chris Wolny and Mike Houska. Photo by Chris Studor.