ARPA money to fund wastewater project in Hinckley
by Emily Canning-Dean
Headworks improvements at Hinckley’s wastewater treatment plant are expected to begin in May after Medina County has agreed to fund the project using a combination of American Resue Plan Act funds and a loan from the Ohio Water Development Authority.
In late January, the OWDA announced it had awarded Medina County with a $1.1 million loan with a 3.79% percent interest rate for 10 years to help fund the improvements at the wastewater treatment plant and also to replace the structure that currently sits over the package plant treatment system located on David Drive in Hinckley.
Trustee Jack Swedyk said the Medina County Sanitary Engineer’s Department is in charge of the project.
“The work will automate the process and improve the efficiency of the plant,” Swedyk said.
Jeremy Sinko of the Medina County Sanitary Engineer’s Department said the improvements will include the enclosure of a portion of the headworks at the wastewater treatment plant, which is currently in an open environment. New screens meant to remove debris will be automated and the debris will be dropped off on a conveyer belt that moves up to ground level. It will then be deposited into a waste bin and hauled away.
“It will be more efficient and we will be able to remove finer materials,” Sinko said.
Sinko said materials have already been ordered for the project and added that some of the work can begin by May.
“There are some other pieces that can be worked on before the equipment arrives such as replacing the stair railings to make sure they are compliant,” he said.
Sinko said the goal is to complete the project by November, but added that will depend on the needed equipment being delivered in a timely manner.
Sinko said this project will also include the replacement of a building that sits over the package treatment plant on David Drive in Hinckley. He said this small plant serves a nearby residential development and added that the current building at the plant has exceeded its useful life.
“This is not going to be a large structure,” he said. “It will likely be a 10-foot by 10-foot building. The project will also include some fencing to prevent vandalism.”
Sinko said the sanitary engineer’s office chose to package this improvement with the larger wastewater treatment plant improvements because of the project’s small size.
“It just didn’t make sense to contract that out on its own,” he said.
Sinko said the David Drive improvement is also expected to be completed this year. ∞