Park structures updated; trustees appoint zoning member

by Laura Bednar

June 10 township trustees meeting

The roofs and siding were replaced on all structures except steel buildings in Sagamore Hills Park. In addition, metal siding was installed on the baseball field bathrooms and the front facing roof on the bathroom near the park entrance.

“They [structures] haven’t been touched since they’ve been built,” said Sagamore Hills Trustee David DePasquale, adding that metal siding is maintenance-free. The siding is blue and gray, which Trustee John Zaccardelli said makes the structures pop in contrast to the previous brown color.

In the future, the township plans to paint the concession stand to match the new colors. Zaccardelli said there are also plans to add new signage in the park, including a QR code that will take people to the park page of the township website.

J.D. Siding from Middlefield installed the siding and roofing for approximately $36,000, according to DePasquale. He said the township might be reimbursed for the roofing work through Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council.

Zoning member

Dr. Robert Woodruff is retiring from the Sagamore Hills Zoning Commission after more than 25 years of service. He recommended resident Carol Lewis to take his place, and trustees unanimously appointed her. Dr. David Koncal retired from the zoning commission in May, and trustees appointed Jay Wahl per Koncal’s recommendation. Trustee Paul Schweikert said the township usually advertises for vacant positions, but the two men “deserved the right to recommend their replacement because of their length of service.”

Finances and records

Trustees approved the township’s 2025 budget of just over $11 million. Schweikert said the budget is similar to the previous year and there are no deficits. He projected no new levies this year or next.

Sagamore is accepting bids for catch basin repairs. The Summit County Engineer estimated the cost at $48,725; the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District reimburses the township. DePasquale explained that basins have been sinking for the past four to five years and need to be raised to road level.

Township Attorney Jeff Snell said the Summit County Engineer runs a catch basin repair program and accepts one bidder to complete repairs on basins in all county townships.

Trustees amended the township’s record retention policy in response to the recent process of digitizing records. All township records will be kept permanently in paper format. However, trustees meeting minutes and zoning commission meeting minutes will be kept electronically on a permanent basis, and paper minutes will only be kept for a four-year period.

Public comment

Resident Jay Wahl asked why the county engineer decided not to cut grass along ditches on county roads, making it the residents’ responsibility. Schweikert speculated that it was a lack of manpower and added it would be expensive to send mailers to all county residents to notify them of the change. ∞

Several structures at Sagamore Hills Park received new roofs and maintenance-free blue and gray siding. Photo by Laura Bednar.

Trustee Paul Schweikert presents Dr.
Robert Woodruff with a proclamation
recognizing his years of service at the June
24 zoning commission meeting. Photo
courtesy of Joanne Taylor.