Having a gun in your home can be your best or worst health and wellness decision

Proper professional training for adults, so the can provide proper protection for their loved ones, is essential for maximum health and wellness in any home.

By Robert Euerle, Owner and President, Parma Armory Shooting Center, Gun Safety Training Institute

Robert Euerle, Owner and President, Parma Armory

Firearms kept in homes have always been a controversial topic, with strong opinions on both sides of the debate. What is certain, however, is that there are now approximately 190,000 housing units in Cuyahoga County with at least one gun present. Most of these gun owners have little or no training.

If your guns are used only for sport and recreation, they are easily secured because speedy access is not required. Guns kept for protection are different, because while they must never be accessible to unauthorized children or adults, they must be instantly accessible to the “protectors.”

Sport and recreation gun storage profile: Guns unloaded; ammo stored elsewhere. Trigger locks and cable locks inserted where they make guns inoperable until removed. Minutes and keys are required to make these guns useable.

Defensive gun storage profile: Guns loaded. Additional ammo at hand. No external gun-locking devices. Guns stored in small, impenetrable gun box-safes that can be opened in about 3 seconds ONLY by “protectors.” No other person has access.

How to secure and deploy a defensive gun is only a tiny part of what must be learned to protect one’s family in the event of a home assault. You must also learn what everyone should do in this emergency: How to designate a “safe” room and the quickest route to that room; what to do once there; who is responsible for calling 911 and reporting your plight precisely (seconds count). There is much more to be learned to protect your family’s health and wellness.

Training also includes how to “harden” your home’s access points to prevent intrusion and provide advance warning; what to do while waiting for the police…and upon their arrival; and how to ensure that your defensive actions don’t result in criminal charges and financial ruin.

Parma Armory Shooting Center became the Gun Safety Training Institute to give “protectors” expert professional training to help them improve health and wellness at home. Adults with no guns at home are also invited to these courses, with no obligation to buy a gun. We believe that no education is ever wasted.

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