Treating Sciatica

by Dr. Andrew T. Brady, Chiropractic Physician

Sciatica is one of the most common complaints we treat in our office. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and is formed from five different nerve roots in the lower back. Any irritation to these nerve roots can cause symptoms of sciatica down one or both legs and can extend all the way down to the toes. 

Sciatica symptoms can include:

  1. Numbness, tingling, or weakness in one or both legs
  2. Muscle twitching or calf cramping
  3. Burning sensation in the buttock or thigh
  4. Feeling of one or both legs falling asleep
  5. Pain in the hips, thighs, or calves
  6. “Clumsy” feet or legs

The most common cause of sciatica that we see in our office is called discogenic sciatica, meaning the cause of the sciatica is from a disc problem. Degenerative discs, disc herniations, and misalignments can begin to irritate the nerve roots and produce the symptoms listed above. Symptom treatment can include over the counter anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, therapeutic exercises, heat and/or ice, and steroid injections. Although initial symptom treatment is important, it does not address the root cause in most cases.

Misalignments in the lower spine and pelvis can cause abnormal biomechanics which over time may lead to weakened discs, degenerative discs, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and arthritis. When a disc becomes weakened and dehydrated, something as simple as picking up a waste basket or sitting too long can cause the disc material to herniate onto the nerve root leading to irritation or compression of the nerve causing sciatica.

When patients come in with sciatica, it’s usually because it is starting to interfere with the things they love to do. Whether that is golf, exercising, pickleball, playing with their kids, or just hanging out with friends, we encourage people to get evaluated by a qualified chiropractic physician to determine the root cause of their symptoms so that they can return to doing what they love as soon as possible. If you have been experiencing sciatica, don’t wait to get the help you need! The earlier you get a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan, the better the outcomes usually are. Try to avoid the “it will go away on its own” mentality. Symptoms may come and go over a period of weeks or months, but permanent nerve damage can result from this “wait and see” approach.

If you’ve thought about seeing a chiropractor for your sciatica and you have questions or would like to discuss your specific situation before making an appointment, I’d be happy to chat over the phone or zoom.


Dr. Andrew T. Brady,Chiropractic Physician

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